The purpose of the assignment is to create a black-jack game where the user is the “player” and your program is the “dealer” (or “house”). The objectives of this assignment are to (1) gain experience with dynamic memory allocation, (2)…
For any set of requirements, students generate a design proposal rationale that includes a UML class diagram. The rubric evaluates how the students model the requirements and how they justify their design decisions and how the design meets the…
Programmers should be able to read code from other programmers in order to determine whether it contains errors. This includes compiler errors, runtime errors, and logic errors. When they identify those errors, they should be able to provide…
The Prioritized Bug/Enhancement Report assignment directs student teams to development criteria to rank bugs and enhancements, create a prioritized list of bugs and enhancements, and to estimate time and resources for each item. The Prioritized…
This assignment can be used in lieu of a programming assignment. Give students the specification for one of your usual programming assignments and have students come up with two possible program designs. They then have to argue (orally) to you in…
This project can be used for introductory students. The specific code attached here is applicable to students who are learning Java and have learned how to use 2D arrays and write their own classes. But, one can write their own "poorly styled" code…
This is the first of many milestones associated with a 6 week project. You will refer back to the requirements and design developed in this assignment in future milestones to a) Implement the design, b) Analyze the design for privacy and security…