

Eliciting Requirements: Preparation for Requirements Workshop with Client


Software Engineering


Analyze and create a requirements specifications using scenarios. Prepare to interview a client.


Douglas Troy


Larman, Craig. Applying UML and Patterns: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design and Iterative Development (3rd Edition), 2004.



Assignment Duration

Less than a week

Communication Skill


Technical Skill


Workplace Scenario

The Inception Phase of our project is upon us! It’s our opportunity to work with the client to establish a common vision and scope for the project. We explore the client’s vision for the project, create an initial list of features (requirements), make a rough estimate of cost time needed to complete the features, and decide whether or not it is feasible to move ahead with the project given our resource (time and people) constraints. Note that in the spirit of agile, iterative development, we are not trying to completely define the client’s needs (requirements) or the solution at this time. A fuller understanding of the requirements will evolve as we move forward with the project.

We will kick off the project with a Requirements Workshop with our client in our next class meeting. Oftentimes the Software Engineer must explore the client’s vision through a dialog with the client. So for this assignment, I want you to prepare for the meeting by composing a few questions to ask the client in order for you to better understand:
• The client’s vision for the product
• The opportunity/benefits of the product that the client envisions
• The primary stakeholders, such as the “owner” of the product and the “users” of the product.
• The user-level goals: What is the vision for how the users will use the product?
• A list, of potential features of the product
• Any other requirements for the product such as usability, reliability, security, performance, etc

The information that you collect will be used to write your team’s Vision, Supplemental Specification, Use Cases, and Glossary. The features will be the basis for your teams Product Backlog.

In this memo to your supervisor, you will recommend four questions to the client that will help you to write the project vision document.

Team Size




Douglas Troy, “Eliciting Requirements: Preparation for Requirements Workshop with Client,” Incorporating Communication Outcomes into the Computer Science Curriculum, accessed May 18, 2020, http://cs-comm.lib.muohio.edu/items/show/34.


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