

Bug Enhancement Report


Software Engineering


This is my abstract; there are many like it, but this one is mine


Mark Hoffman


SAMPLE SCENARIO – VERSION 1 (Presents the Elements in the Order on the Quick Guide for Scenarios) Introduction to Software Development Mark Hoffman, Quinnipiac University

PRIORITIZED BUG/ENHANCEMENT REPORT 1. Technical Task Using a Product Review Report and the customer requirements identified in a Customer Requirements Report, your team is to create a plan for completing a project. To create this plan, you are to do the following: ● Develop criteria to facilitate and justify bug and enhancement ranking. ● Create a prioritized list of bugs and enhancements. ● Estimate time and resources needed to fix each bug and implement each enhancement. ● Recommend the order in which bugs and enhancements should be developed to meet customer needs You work for an employer that has acquired another company. The acquired company had begun a project that your employer would like to complete. You are members of development team You are to create a three-to-five-page prioritized bug/enhancement report. Your development team’s project manager Using your report, the manager must develop a plan for completing the project. Therefore, she wants your report to answer the following questions: 1. What are the critical criteria that should be used to organize the development process? 2. How critical is each bug or enhancement to the development process? 3. What are the key features of each bug or enhancement? 4. What resources are required to fix each bug or implement each enhancement? 5. Does your team have the technical and communication abilities needed to complete his project? 6. Should I accept your team’s recommendations?

2. Professional Setting 3. Professional Role 4. Deliverable 5. Real-world Audience 6. How the Audience Will USE the Students’ Communication

SAMPLE SCENARIO – VERSION 2 (Presents the Elements in a Different Order than in the Quick Guide for Scenarios) Introduction to Software Development Mark Hoffman, Quinnipiac University

PRIORITIZED BUG/ENHANCEMENT REPORT Your project manager decided to continue development of a product begun but not completed by an acquired company. She has asked your development team to prepare a bug/enhancement report based on bugs identified in the Product Review Report and customer requirements identified in the Customer Requirements Report. YOUR DELIVERABLE Three-to-five-page prioritized bug/enhancement report. YOUR READER Your project manager. WHAT YOUR READER WILL DO WITH THE COMMUNICATIONS YOU PROVIDE The manager must develop a plan for completing the project. Therefore, she wants your report to answer the following questions: 1. What are the critical criteria that should be used to organize the development process? 2. How critical is each bug or enhancement to the development process? 3. What are the key features of each bug or enhancement? 4. What resources are required to fix each bug or implement each enhancement? 5. Does your team have the technical and communication abilities needed to complete his project? 6. Should I accept your team’s recommendations? You must answer these questions in a manner that helps the manager develop a plan efficiently. You must prepare a communication that persuades the manager that you have the technical knowledge required to plan a complex project. YOUR TASKS You must perform the following technical tasks: ● Develop criteria to facilitate and justify bug and enhancement ranking. ● Create a prioritized list of bugs and enhancements. ● Estimate time and resources needed to fix each bug and implement each enhancement. ● Recommend the order in which bugs and enhancements should be developed to meet customer needs. You must perform the following communication tasks: ● Write a report that helps the project manager make practical decisions efficiently. ● Write a report that builds the manager’s confidence in your team’s technical and communication abilities. ● Write a report that persuades the manger to accept your recommendation

2. Professional setting 3. Professional role for students (members of a development team 4. Deliverable 5. Real-world audience 6. How the reader will use the communication

1. Technical task

This column defines the high level of performance for each criterion

Usefulness to the real-world reader is SAMPLE RUBRIC consistently used Software Engineering for the Mark Hoffman, Quinnipiac University communication criteria
PRIORITIZED BUG/ENHANCEMENT REPORT Outstanding Tells the project manager that the report is a response to her request Includes all criteria from Product Review Report Includes all criteria from Customer Requirements Report 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Weak

This column defines the low levels of performance for each criterion

Criteria Introduction Criteria

Requires project manager to recall the context of the report Omits or misstates some criteria from Product Review Report Omits or misstates some criteria from Customer Requirements Report List omits some enhancements or priorities Reasons sometimes based on something other than criteria Design hinders easy comparison by project manager Recommendation does not match prioritized list Omits parallel action Omits some information project manager wants Includes unnecessary information project manager doesn’t need Uses colloquial style Several statements are unclear

Communication criterion is usefulness to the real-world reader. Technical criterion

Prioritized List

List includes all enhancements and bugs identified in the reports Reasons for all priorities based directly on the criteria Design enables project manager to compare the reasons easily

Technical criterion Communication criterion is usefulness to the real-world reader In addition to circling a level of performance, the instructor can write comments here Even selection of content is stated from the perspective of usefulness to realworld reader


Recommendation is consistent with the prioritized list Recommendation includes parallel work on different issues

Selection of Content

Includes all information project manager wants Includes nothing project manager doesn’t need

Prose Style

Uses a formal style All statements are clear


Bug Report

Assignment Duration

One Week

Communication Skill

Writing, Speaking, Teaming

Technical Skill

Bug identification

Workplace Scenario

You work for an employer that has acquired another company. The
acquired company had begun a project that your employer would like to complete.

Team Size



Mark Hoffman, “Bug Enhancement Report,” Incorporating Communication Outcomes into the Computer Science Curriculum, accessed May 18, 2020, http://cs-comm.lib.muohio.edu/items/show/15.


Creative Commons License

File: CPATH Sample Scenario 1-BugEnhancement Report-2 versions.pdf

File: CPATH Sample Rubric 1-BugEnhancement Report.pdf


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